Di Depan Investor, Boediono Bacakan Pidato Basi

Kamis, 7 November 2013 12:28 WIB

Wakil Presiden Boediono. TEMPO/Subekti

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Wakil Presiden Boediono membacakan pidato yang nyaris sama persis dalam event internasional Indonesia Investment Summit 2012 dan 2013. Dalam pidatonya pada 2012, Boediono memulai pidatonya dengan membahas kondisi ekonomi tahun 2008 dan membandingkannya dengan kondisi terkini.

Sampai pada bagian itu, pidato orang nomor dua di Indonesia itu mengalami pembaruan. Namun, selebihnya, ia menjabarkan persoalan dan keunggulan domestik dengan kata-kata nyaris sama. Dalam pidatonya, Boediono membahas pembangunan infrastruktur dan komitmen pemerintah untuk terus membangun.

Boediono juga mempromosikan Indonesia sebagai negara yang kaya akan sumber daya alam, sekaligus memiliki potensi sumber daya manusia yang besar. Pertumbuhan kelas menengah Indonesia juga diunggulkan Boediono. Meski begitu, Boediono mengakui masih ada tantangan dalam mengembangkan kemampuan sumber daya mineral dan kepastian hukum.

Berikut ini perbandingan isi pidato Wakil Presiden Boediono dalam Indonesia Investment Summit 2012 dengan acara serupa, yang diselenggarakan mulai Kamis ini, 7 November 2013.

Selanjutnya >> PIDATO BOEDIONO 2012



Jakarta, November 6, 2012

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to Jakarta. I would like to congratulate BKPM - the Investment Coordinating Board - and the International Herald Tribune for organizing this very important gathering.

The main purpose of this two-day gathering is to share among the participants the most accurate, up-to-date and first-hand information about this country. I cannot foretell what the lineup of distinguished speakers are going to say. But I must say that I fully subscribe to the main message of one of the topics that you will be discussing today, namely that maybe Indonesia constitutes one of the very few warm spots in this cold climate currently descending upon the world economy.

There are indeed compelling reasons for such views. First, we went through the 2008 global crisis basically unscathed. Yes, there was some dent in our growth but we then quickly and strongly recovered. And again in the mid of the current ongoing crisis we have been able to maintain our growth at 6+% while sustaining the steady decline in our unemployment and poverty rates.

Throughout these difficult times, the financial and economic stability have been maintained and the downward trend in our indebtedness continues. We have learned the hard lessons from our own experience that as far as macroeconomic management is concerned there is no substitute for prudence.

But of course Indonesia is not a country without problems, and some of them need urgent solutions. The most glaring one is deficiency in infrastructures. We must be honest and admit that, for a combination of reasons, we are behind in developing our infrastructures, virtually all kinds of infrastructures. But in the past few years we have been working hard to offset these problems.

Selanjutnya >> PIDATO BOEDIONO 2013


Jakarta, 7 November 2013

Assalamu alaikum warahmatulllahi wabarakatuh

It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to Jakarta. I would like to congratulate BKPM - the Investment Coordinating Board - and the Financial Times for organizing this very important gathering.

As was the case last year, the main purpose of this one-day gathering is to share among the participants the most accurate, up-to-date and first-hand information about this country. There is a lineup of distinguished speakers and resource persons from both the government and the private sectors who will be excellent sources of such information. I also hope that in this conference you can network with parties relevant for your business here.

The more useful things to do for me in this short opening remark session is to repeat some of what I said last year and stress a number of points that might help your assessment of the potentials and prospects of this country.

First, we went through the 2008 global crisis basically unscathed. Yes, there was some dent in our growth but it then quickly recovered.

Until last year we had been able to maintain our growth at 6+ % while this year we will have to accept lower growth due to the rather depressed state of some of our main exports with some prospective recovery next year.

Throughout the period, however, we are confident that the trends of steady decline in unemployment, poverty rates and our indebtedness to continue. We will not change our commitment to prudent fiscal and monetary policies to securely maintain overall financial and economic stability.

But Indonesia is prospective for some other important reasons. We are blessed with vast and varied natural resources. Our domestic markets are large and growing fairly fast, thanks to the blossoming of our middle class and consuming groups.


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